Corrected error in RSS-links
21/08/08 13:09
Transition of lessons to one common format is completed
27/02/08 23:12
The transition to one, single format for all lessons has now been completed, and I hope it will benefit us all. It has taken some time, but now it’s done 
I will start focusing on new lessons for Calc, and on improving the lessons in other ways, but more on that at a later stage...
Roar Malmin
Click here to subscribe to the RSS feed to be notified whenever a new lesson or other news occur.

I will start focusing on new lessons for Calc, and on improving the lessons in other ways, but more on that at a later stage...
Roar Malmin
Click here to subscribe to the RSS feed to be notified whenever a new lesson or other news occur.

Changes in lessons already made
24/02/08 20:54
We are now in the process of changing some of the lessons from one format to another.
There are two reasons for this; the first is that we have now gone through the different formats, and came to the conclusion that the format used in lessons like =SUM() and =NOW() (and most other by now) is the most effective one, both for learning and for producing. The second reason is that Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 6 and older are very non-compliant, and messes up the other formats, in varying degrees.
As soon as all lessons have been changed to the chosen format, we will start making new lessons again.
The two formats that will be removed, are the ones where you click to get to the next step. Both of them has the advantage that they provide as little information as possible for each step, which is possibly less confusing, but I truly believe the chosen format will fully usable.
Click here to subscribe to the RSS feed to be notified whenever a new lesson or other news occur.

There are two reasons for this; the first is that we have now gone through the different formats, and came to the conclusion that the format used in lessons like =SUM() and =NOW() (and most other by now) is the most effective one, both for learning and for producing. The second reason is that Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 6 and older are very non-compliant, and messes up the other formats, in varying degrees.
As soon as all lessons have been changed to the chosen format, we will start making new lessons again.
The two formats that will be removed, are the ones where you click to get to the next step. Both of them has the advantage that they provide as little information as possible for each step, which is possibly less confusing, but I truly believe the chosen format will fully usable.
Click here to subscribe to the RSS feed to be notified whenever a new lesson or other news occur.

Some problems with Internet Explorer 6
15/01/08 20:40
As some of you might have noticed, some of the lessons does not like Internet Explorer 6 very much. This is related to the "step"-effect used on some of the lessons, where each step is listed on the left hand side.
For now there are no workaround if you have Internet Explorer 6, but this will be fixed. Please note that all lessons work well inn Internet Explorer 7 and any other web browser, such as Opera, FireFox and Safari (to mention a few). These are all free of charge.
I apologize for inconvenience, and hope to fix this in a few weeks.
Roar Malmin
For now there are no workaround if you have Internet Explorer 6, but this will be fixed. Please note that all lessons work well inn Internet Explorer 7 and any other web browser, such as Opera, FireFox and Safari (to mention a few). These are all free of charge.
I apologize for inconvenience, and hope to fix this in a few weeks.
Roar Malmin
Brand new FORUM here at!
18/11/07 21:46
BRAND NEW: We’ve just made a forum for, that we hope you will find useful! We encourage everybody to contribute, either with questions, answers or tips!
I have to admit that we’ve been quite busy trying to cope with questions that we receive, and hope this forum will be able to lighten the work load a bit. But still; feel free to send questions.
I’m sorry for all of you who have still not received answers to your questions, but it looks like we’re about to get on top of it now.
Roar Malmin
Click here for the RSS feed.

I have to admit that we’ve been quite busy trying to cope with questions that we receive, and hope this forum will be able to lighten the work load a bit. But still; feel free to send questions.
I’m sorry for all of you who have still not received answers to your questions, but it looks like we’re about to get on top of it now.
Roar Malmin
Click here for the RSS feed.

Changing the front page
10/06/06 21:35
Changed the front page by using the plug-in "Blocks" by YourHead Software.
Makes things easier to adjust...
Makes things easier to adjust...
Changes to the blogg
25/05/06 15:09
Now we´ve added comments, trackback and a RSS-feed. This way you can comment on the blogg, link to a blogg post and, if you add the RSS-feed to your browser, you are allways updated whenever we make changes here!
Please note that almost all web browsers support RSS-feeds, except Internet Explorer, both for Mac and Windows.
Please note that almost all web browsers support RSS-feeds, except Internet Explorer, both for Mac and Windows.
Navigation update
22/05/06 22:33
Just added some extra navigation options. Now you should find < Previous lesson | Overview | Next lesson > at the top right on each lesson page, to make it even easier to navigate from one lesson to another, and to have easy access to the lesson overview.
Errors made, errors corrected
22/05/06 22:03
When updating the site last night, some links became screwed up, but it all should work just fine now. Sorry!
We have opened the door to OpenOfficeSchool!
01/05/06 11:05
We have finally come far enough to open the doors here at OpenOfficeSchool.
For now we have av few lessons ready, but more will be made frequently -- expect to see one lesson every week on average.
We have spent quite some time developing the site, and it is greate to finally be able to focus solely on the lessons.
Please leave comments on the forum, to aid us create a better site for you!
For now we have av few lessons ready, but more will be made frequently -- expect to see one lesson every week on average.
We have spent quite some time developing the site, and it is greate to finally be able to focus solely on the lessons.
Please leave comments on the forum, to aid us create a better site for you!
The end has never been nearer!
23/04/06 19:35
We are getting really, really close to announcing these pages as open... But not quite yet
-setting up a server
-registering a domain name (well, three, as a matter of fact...)
-choosing software for web development (chose RapidWeaver)
-getting ads in place (to help pay for the server costs etc.)
-choosing the hierarchy of the web pages
-choosing page type for the pages
-making the navigational buttons for the pages (N/A anymore...)
-setting up a forum
-starting to write!
-taking the first screen shots
-finalizing the first lessons (4 of 4 is in place)
-start telling the world
As soon as the first four lessons are in place, we will make the announcement.
As soon as the first four lessons are in place, we will make the announcement.
The end is near!
18/04/06 16:41
Things are finally starting to take shape; the to do-list is getting shorter every week now:
-setting up a server
-registering a domain name (well, three, as a matter of fact...)
-choosing software for web development (chose RapidWeaver)
-getting ads in place (to help pay for the server costs etc.)
-choosing the hierarchy of the web pages
- choosing page type for the pages
-making the navigational buttons for the pages
-setting up a forum
-starting to write!
-taking the first screen shots
- finalizing the first lessons
- start telling the world
- choosing page type for the pages
- finalizing the first lessons
- start telling the world